How Do I Reduce My California Work Comp?

How Do I Reduce My California Work CompMany employers throughout the state find themselves asking “How do I reduce my California work comp costs?” It’s an important question. Some aspects of work comp cost reduction are very simple while other are quite complex. It’s imperative that an organization understands its risks and challenges before attempt to correct them. Job hazard analyses, root cause analyses, and experience modification factor help to facilitate the beginning of this process.

The scope of injuries covered by workers’ compensation is quite broad. It includes injuries from single accidents, like a broken arm suffered in a fall, as well as certain types of injuries that arise through repeated stress, like carpal tunnel syndrome. Diseases can be an especially important source of risk for employers in certain industries, like construction, where unsafe exposure to chemicals or dust could give rise to respiratory problems.

Do you understand where your experience modification factor is derived? It’s the culmination your work comp claims compared to that of your peers. What analyses and protocols has your organization put in place to minimize risk and maximize effectiveness of your work comp and safety programs?

If you’re still asking “How do I reduce my California work comp?” then talk to us, we’ll gladly discuss your current situation and your best path forward.